Thursday 18 December 2014

An evening along the river with the Vale of Pickering Art Club 

There is a lovely rhythm and flow that runs right through Pickering and its not created by Pickering Beck but more by the warm and friendly Vale of Pickering Art Club. 

All members certainly made me feel very welcome when I travelled from Leeds in November '15 to give a pastel demonstration called ‘Shadows and light’ – a delightful river scene.

I know the area well in the painting. In Nidderdale between Glasshouses and Pateley Bridge the Summer trees hang over the water perfectly and at every turn there is a delightful composition to be painted. this is one of them!

The Vale of Pickering Art Club members watched with delight as the painting was created for them. I described every step of the way colour choices, pastel applications, techniques, hints and tips, use of fixative to deliberately darken areas...and so much more!

Choosing Canson Mi-Teintes ‘Touch’ paper in a dark blue tone I began by blocking in the major shapes with green shades colours and tones alternating between different brands of hard and soft pastels building the layers as I went until I arrived at the above stage now ready for the finishing touches back in my studio in Leeds.

A big thank you to everyone for their enthusiastic appreciation right at the end, questions and interest during the interval between proceedings and a very special thanks indeed to Lesley Price who was very kind to invite me along, make contact and organise everything for such a successful night.

I’m looking forward to meeting you all again for our workshop on 9 May 2015 this time switching to acrylics mixed media for a dramatic seascape. 

There’s plenty of opportunities and time I’m sure for everyone coming to the workshop to grab some seascape reference along the East coast which isn't to far away. 

I may bump into you there at some point. It’s highly likely as I’m always there painting and drawing so if you see me, do say hello!

For further information about the Vale of Pickering Art group visit

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