Monday 15 December 2014

Rhythm and flow with Pateley Bridge Art Club

It is always a pleasure and joy to visit one of my favourite Dales in Yorkshire  - Nidderdale and what a great opportunity to combine art with another visit and paint with Pately Bridge Art Group in the heart of the Dale! 

‘River reflections’ was the theme for the day so I couldn’t resist the opportunity to bring along several sketches and reference photos created and taken during the Summer months form favourite walks along the River Nidd. 

This beautiful river twists and turns its way through Nidderdale flowing past many a lovely village including Glasshouses where we had our workshop in the quaint village church hall with beautiful countrside all around us.

Choosing Canson Mi-Teintes ‘Touch’ paper, (which is a superb support for pastel painting and available in 14 different and carefully created key colours for artists to paint upon), I selected ‘Burgundy’ colour for my support. 

The river study demo soon started to unfold into a colourful and expressive painting for the group working in a very expressive way to allow the colour of the support to really show through and help the painting maintain an 'earthy warmth' throughout to it.

Great finished results by everyone who took part and another superb day had by all with pastels painting on Canson Mi-Tientes 'Touch' 350gsm  pastel paper helping create some fabulous results. 

We can all thank Canson for thei papers but a special thanks is given to Dayna Cowper Programme Secretary for Pateley Bridge Art Club for all her organisation and co-ordination for the workshop helping to make this wonderful workshop such a great success.

I'm looking forward to teaching Pateley Bridge Art Club again in the near future. Just say the word and I'll be back - especially since this is my favourite Dale! 

Further information:
Canson Mi-Teintes ‘Touch’ paper is available in 14 different useful shades and tints.

Canson papers are available from all leading art suppliers to include 

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